"Look, Ma, I can count! Look, everybody, I can count!" she cried, contrary to popular belief of many.
Guess what today is, gang? Yes, indeed it is Little Eva's birthday, but it's also the blog anniversary! *cue emotional reflection speech* This past year has been so wonderful. I've begun to gain my own sense of style and have been able to get to know so many lovely blogging folks. Thank you to the entire four, possibly five, people that read this thing. You all deserve a doughnut bacon cheeseburger for taking the time to read my ramblings.
ANYWAYS, to celebrate this momentous occasion, I put on my polka dot dress that I scored the other day at an outlet mall and then proceeded to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Living, I tell you.
Outlet malls are frightening things. Essentially, they are masses of housewives wandering around in search of khakis from 2002 being sold for twice their retail price. But by some fluke I found this French Connection dress, with a retail tag of $198, for fifteen bucks. I am just over the moon. It's so shiny and pretty and I probably should have taken a detail shot of it *facepalm*.
Excuse me while I go find a life that would permit me to regularly wear shiny cocktail dresses. Here's to another year of blogtasticness and excellent vocabulary -raises juicebox-.